more than ten years teaching Drawing and Color Theory at the Parsons
School of Design Department of Continuing Education, a teacher was terminated
on Thursday, 19 December 2002, the day after his last class of the semester,
'C' started at Parsons around 1988. But for a two-year period in Minnesota
(1991-1993), he taught at Parsons ever since without incident and to
rave reviews from students, administrators and peers under three different
department directors. Enter one RAMONA CANDY
as department "Chair" and the problems begin.
That 'C'
considered said Ms Candy unprofessional and disrespectful was no secret.
An outspoken, straightforward individual who doesn't mince on words,
he had told her himself. Passive-agressive ("Since
you feel the New School mistreats you so, I suggest you remove yourself...",
she says to him on their final interview) + inept + insecure = arrogant.
QUALIFICATIONS? Presently artistic director
of the Cultural Crossroads Dance Theatre Workshop
of Brooklyn; formerly Dance Black America.
What next, Les Ballets de Troccadero???
Certainly more suitable. ACHIEVEMENTS?
Brooklyn's Women
of Courage and Vision "Magnificent Dozen 2001" and
her "Level of Incompetence",
also in 2001. Where gender, race and tokenism, rather than brains and
competence, are the main qualifiers in hiring and promotion, what else
can the result be? They, in turn, fearing being upstaged, hire and promote
more "brain dead". Thus the presence of lightweights
and nincompoops like one David Solomita as Associate Director of CE.
Her arrogance is that of the inept. As has become noxious practice in
academia today, relevant professional qualifications for administrators,
from university presidents on down, have been virtually eliminated.
"High profile" matters. Fundraising, you see....
Educators, academicians, academic administrators need not apply. Politicians,
ex-senators, peg-legged "war heroes" (even when their record
is slightly tainted by small inconvenient allegations of war crimes
and mass execution of civilians long, long, long ago....) are the order
of the day. Fundraising, you see.... It's the dawning of the
lesser characters, flunkies from industry and commerce.

Ramona Candy
there is a certain bias in Ms Candy against not-quite-dead, white,
Euro centric males, there is no doubt. For the sake of “diversity”,
of course, as long as this "diversity" doesn't extend
to the realm of ideas, something foreign to Ms Candy. The uppity
Ms Candy may not have liked and certainly did not have to like
our teacher's style (brash, loud, imposing, crotchety, cantankerous)
but his competence, dedication, and character she cannot ever
impeach. That he expected things would not end well was also clear.
Shortly after her accession he had started seeking alternate employment,
both at Parsons, the New School at large and elsewhere. Did
he know on 19 December 2002 that he was being invited to a lynching
party carefully orchestrated with Mr. David Sodomita, Associate
Director of Continuing Education, playing a splendid second fiddle
to Ms Candy’s tune? Entered the meeting and never even took
his coat off.
terms of her approach to faculty, the door to dialogue so widely
opened by Greg Lovinsky, the former director, during his all too
brief tenure she firmly shut. Where there was once an open dialogue
between faculty and administration established there is now faculty
“orientation”. The loss is Parsons’.
Sodomita, her lap dog, not worth a pixel! |

David Solomita
That Ms
Candy’s every act was vindictive and out of all proportion to
the situation at hand is clear in view of the speed with which she processed
this particular teachers termination and the Draconian measures taken.
The meeting took place at 11AM on Thursday, the 19th of December. By
8:30AM Friday morning our teacher's internet account had been deleted
and all files sequestered causing him to lose his entire database and
invaluable internet address books. In the end, most though not all of
said address books had to be released. This harassment caused him to
default on professional obligations and resulted in loss of possible
earnings far greater than what his salary at Parsons was worth.
The purported reason for his termination offered by Ms. Candy was entirely
pre-textual (i.e. that he had refused to give his last group of students
evaluation forms for his class, something that, to date, he had relished).
All one need do is take a look at the dozens of evaluation form envelopes
left in the CE faculty boxes at the end of any semester, uncollected
and disregarded, never distributed to students and so never returned.
He refused to do so on principle, in writing, stating that “where
course content and instructor competence are not valued, these (evaluations)
are pointless.”

have read some of Parsons' Dean H. RANDOPLPH
SWEARER's dismissive replies to ex-students who had the
candor, kindness, decency and naïveté to reach out
to him on this teacher's behalf. "Can't
say how far you'll get with Randy Swearer, he doesn't read his
e-mail. Lesley Cadman (Associate Dean) is rather non-involved",
former staffer 'B' warned. "Non-involved", unresponsive.
unreachable. Says our source, he sees his job as PR, promotion
and damage control. “I
hope you will continue to seek out educational opportunities that
stimulate and challenge you. There is much to choose from here
Parsons.Ther is much to choose from at Parsons”,
he assures in an e-mail to student 'S'. I beg to differ. There
is NOT at Parsons Continuing Ed.
His reply was disingenuous and demeaning. “Drawing With
Color”, for example, cancelled in spite of repeated assurances
from CE Associate Director Sodomita that semester, was instituted
by a previous director because of the great demand from former
students to continue studies with this particular instructor.
“Drawing With Color” was designed and implemented
by him based on a lifetime of struggles with the painting process.
“Drawing With Color” is a unique course. And there
is no one like him. Or is Dean Swearer saying we are all expendable
or exchangeable? Then, what can you expect from a "dean"
who ends a letter dismissing an appeal request by demanding to
be taken off the teacher's distribution
list and signs it "Randy"....
On 5 February he writes:
Mr C:
I have received your email. At this point it would be most appropriate
for you to direct any inquiries regarding your termination to
the Vice President of Human Resources, Carole*
Cantrell. Her telephone number is (212) 229-5671. I would appreciate
it if you would take me off of your email distribution list. Thank
Randy Swearer, Dean"
* Can't spell his own director of H.R's
stupid and insensitive can you get? As if all this had nothing
to do with him.... What does this man think he's there for? What
can you expect? Last hails from Texas where yet another village
is missing it's idiot!
One of this "educator's" first and most notorious acts
was to try to shut down one of New York City's oldest and most
beloved ateliers, the Parsons print workshop and Printmaking program
his arbitrary decision by calling
the craft "out of tune with today's
technology" and assigning the space, the classrooms
and storage space are allotted currently to a "lovely"
new Starbucks coffee outlet and more cafeteria space"
according to Julia Simon, then a Freshman Foundation student,
in a letter to acting president Scaturro dated 25 March 2000.
A true man of Vision, a true man of the Arts, our dean Randy Swearer
It appears the evasive H. Randolph Swearer hasn't had a picture
taken in years for. In the months of research for this article,
not a single photo of him was found, not in catalogues, not in
books, not on the internet. We did find the one on the left, appropriate
to the kind of "jack" this guy is.
One would hope this incident would invite scrutiny into Parsons
Continuing Education Department’s dismal performance since
Ms Candy’s accession. To quote Hilton Kramer on an unrelated
matter at Columbia University, “still
another problem in urgent need of the administration’s critical
attention. To ignore this farce is to risk becoming a laughing
stock...” Not here. Bunker mentality....
The New School University will continue to be the second rate
institution it has become, a house of cards. |
adjuncts who teach in our universities are the last of the
indentured servants. They sign away their every right for
measly fees when they sign their "contract", a worthless
piece of paper that gives the university the power to dismiss
them without a moment's thought or notice. For $541.34
per class per month. That adjuncts are mere peons to
be disposed of at any administrator’s whim is bad enough.
That there is no appeal process in place to deal with such
matters at an institution that was once known as The New School
“for Social Research”, was
founded by radical immigrant Jews and hosts Diego Rivera
murals is shameful. But then, this is
the New School for
Social Research
any more than the Parsons School of Design is the Parsons
School of ART and Design.
"Appeal process"!?!? When
our teacher went to Dean Randy's office to try to make an
appointment he was greeted by 4 security goons (
must've been their "grievance committee"
) posted
outside Randy's offices in wait, barred
from speaking to Randy's assistant and escorted out
of the building. |

Adjuncts demand UAW Union
representation as New School plainclothes security police
keep a close watch. |

Carol Cantrell
Vice President of
"Human Resources"
New School University
New School University virulently opposes and resists attempts
by the adjuncts to unionize. It would, of course, be the
end of their hegemony. No longer would the CAROL
CANTRELLs (New School University's Vice President
of Human Resources) have the audacity to end a letter
of dismissal to a teacher with a threat to have him arrested
if he ever attempted to enter New School University grounds
or attend New School University activities.
must take this opportunity to remind you that you are
not permitted to access any university building or event
and any attempt to do so will result in your arrest."
Comments Professor 'D':
who uses English like that does not have the education
for someone working with instructors at a university level."
Later, the following message from New School University
Security Chief Dieskau Reed to Ms Cantrell regarding
a request for permission for our teacher to attend a student
show he has been invited to is fortuitously forwarded
to this writer
by mistake, a "magic fluke".
You'd think people associated to
the Parsons School of DESIGN
would know how to use e-mail.
Subject: Re: Parsons show
View full header
From: "Dieskau Reed" <>
Date: Mon, May 19, 2003 8:55 am
To: <>
Good morning Carol,
I have not herard from the
Detective, I will give him a call today andsee
where we are at.
to the individual in charge of dealing with employee issues.
The first was her singular response, refusing all requests
for meetings or even coming to the phone. In
the second exchange she asks the Head of New School Security
to have a detective tail or investigate our colleague.
Yeah, RIGHT!!!
for her response to concerned
students writing
to protest the firing:
responded, very generic",
student 'M'.
didn't even respond. He had some other lady (Cantrell)
respond. She just ensured me that New School is doing
everything that they can to solve the matter and that
the matter cannot be discussed in detail because it is
confidential. Yada yada." "Yada
yada" alright! So disingenuous. Does she really expects
others to swallow this fluff? What low opinions of their
students they must have!

Assistant General Counsel
New School University |
there's the General Counsel (or Assistant General Counsel
as is the case here),
Candy-clone and Condoleezza Rice
wannabe KEILA TENNENT. Another gem! First
class poseur. All attitude and silk suit. Contentious,
ostentatious, pretentious, demanding,
rude. Cut from the same cloth. "Delay" is her
game. See if it goes away....
response to the many requests for a hearing, a review,
an appeal, she writes:
we are getting numerous complaints from the individuals
at Parsons about receiving unwanted emails from you. I
have asked the specific individuals to give direct notice
to you that your emails are unwanted. I understand, however,
that you have been previously asked by members ofthe Deans
office and specifically Randy Swearer to remove him from
you e-mail list and refer any future concerns to either
me or Carol Cantrell. Apparently, you have continued to
email him and others notwithstanding such request. Please
cease and desist from such activity.
Sincerely, Keila Tennent"
Grammar and punctuation, hers! Is this proper legalese
or just plain bad English? Silk suits and posturing can't
cover deficient language skills or breeding.
his attorney -
however that there are no
remaining university avenues for review
of his case
Keila Tennent"
MEE? You mean the four
THUGS standing
guard at Dean Randy's?
That your idea of AVENUES
You are so blatant, so transparent, so unconvincing...,
have the gall to call themselves "progressive", these yahoos!
Fascists hiding behind the facade of what was once a great progressive
institution. Scratch a liberal, find a fascist! The entire
institution subsists these days on ONE department: FASHION!
It is FASHION that pushed the
out of Parsons School of ART
and Design. That
department subsists thanks to key players in the fashion industry
like Donna Karan and to the thousands of young Asian females of monied
families who pay through the nose to come to New York City to study
Fashion with the well connected and end up "yellow
cabs" in the back pages of the Village
Voice in order to finance their fashion fix.
you suppose this self-absorbed cadre of "concerned educators"
has any clue as to what I'm talking about?
Even as this "institution of higher learning" hemorrhages
financially, president ROBERT "Bob"
KERREY, our war hero (alleged war criminal) come senator
come academic fundraiser, squanders millions gutting out, renovating
and decorating the lobby and second floors of 55 West 13th Street
( the "Knowledge Union",
talk about pretension! )and his new townhouse residence at
21 West 11th Street in Manhattan.Sparing
no expense to accommodate president "BOB", a New
School University guard stands 24-hour watch at the presidential
How does he DOOO it on...$541.34
per class per month?!?!?!
Bob's remodeled "KNOWLEDGE UNION"
offices entrance at 55 West 13th Street
School University President
Robert 'Bob' Kerrey |
about Robert Kerrey the NEW
YORK PRESS in "The 50 Most Loathesome
New Yorkers", an article in the 26 March 2003 issue:
"When the bug-eyed former senator and current New School prez got
word that the New York Times was about to publish an article asserting
his involvement in a massacre of Vietnamese civilians in 1969, he came
forward a few days ahead of time to give his own version of the story
-- and was immediately applauded for his courage
in facing up to his 'painful' past despite the fact that 1) he'd sat
on the story for 32 years and 2) the real pain was on the other side
of the machine gun. Kerrey is the face of that bloated, self-centered
America that somehow still manages to see itself as the victim in VietNam
-- as though its pseudo-literary 'loss of innocence' and, in this case,
ruined political prospects, somehow compare to two million actual dead
people and a mine-strewn countryside of ravaged moonscapes."
Where ideas are lacking, lies must suffice.
It has come to our attention from reliable, informed, inside sources
that CE Chair Ramona Candy had accused teacher 'C' of "threatening"
her and yet there has never been a criminal complaint, an order of protection
served, a harassment suit filed.... "There
is no evil so great that it cannot be exaggerated", posits
Robert Hughes in “Culture of Complaint”, and exaggerate
Ms Candy certainly does. Thus the extreme security measures. Never at
the New School University has anyone ever witnessed such a display.
Writes Professor 'DW' in a letter of appeal to Prez Kerrey:
"I and a number of other
faculty were in the faculty computer lab that afternoon and had seen
him leave to go to the meeting he told me then he had requested with
the Dean of Parsons. Not too long after that, he was back with a guard,
under orders to pack and leave the campus. He had not been allowed to
see the Dean, but had been met there by armed guards, after information
had been passed that he was violent.
I have known X for two years. He is often rude and
cranky, and
unaccountably refuses to look at the new photos of my grandchildren,
but violent he is not."
am sure Ramona Candy WAS threatened....
sure she felt her authority threatened,
or her "pride". People who have
achieved their "level of incompetence"
are deeply insecure people who generally feel threatened by anyone more
qualified than them. And it is their mindset to deal through
threats, lies and innuendo, this incestuous cabal. "Just
fuckin' lazy. Throws everything at Marcia (CE's
office assistant)
does shit all day",
says staffer 'T'.
ARE those who confuse discourse with vomit!
makes Parsons special? The people of course. Whether the design professionals
who compose the faculty, the internationally diverse student body, or
the staff ready to assist you, Parsons is about people"
posits president Kerrey. "And,
this university must not be afraid to take a position on the critical
issue of the day - how do the people of the world peacefully live together*?
We're doing it here in New York City, and we at this university believe
we can carry that to the rest of the world",
vomits Kerrey. What blather! What bluster! What a clown!!!
More pointedly, professor 'DW' continues in her letter:
suggest that administrators with so little perception of character,
and so little acquaintance with the people working for them, should
not hold such positions at the University. Nor do I think that artists
can necessarily be held to the standards of decorum of historians.
University has humiliated a good man and my friend. All
of us who saw what happened were degraded by that event. The University
collectively makes loud noises about oppressed peoples in third- and
fourth-world countries, plus agitates against non-union delicatessens.
Human dignity and ethical stances belong first of all within the university
minded, caring Kerrey who *"must
not be afraid to take a position on the critical issue of the day -
how do the people of the world peacefully live together"
terminated teacher? I
am that teacher.
know what it feels to work hard and be suddenly dismissed without any
consideration. That's why I don't expect any consideration at all from
any corporation, much less an educational institution....I still would
like to believe in the human being but am more and more disgusted about
what I witness, and your case is no exception," wrote
to me staffer "G" in a beautifully poetic note. And this is,
sadly, the true state of affairs.
dean Randy, who keeps complaining about being copied on my e-mails,
I last wrote:
" long as you are Dean of the Parsons School of Design,
you WILL be copied on all relevant
correspondence. Remember, you chose
to ignore
me when, in good faith and trust, I appealed to you.
Live with the consequences. You will not turn a deaf ear to me. And,
hopefully, in the future, you will treat your adjunct faculty with the
dignity and respect they deserve. It's not over till it's over and it
won't be over till the (black) lady sings. Soon."
The time is now. Psalms 91:9-12 condemns those who intentionally try
to stumble others,"It
is better for him to get a great millstone, hang it around his neck,
and jump in the ocean." I am Ramona Candy's
am her biggest failure, her greatest nightmare and her
worst mistake. I remain relentless and unforgiving. I remain brash,
loud, obnoxious, crotchety, cantankerous, cranky,
and refuse to look at photos of anyone's grandchildren. If
I liked human larvae I would've had some of my own. I remain unapologetic,
unbowed and unscathed,
without regrets or remorse and with my professional record, personal
integrity and dignity intact.
the end, what else is there, $541.34
per class per month?
"The man is richest who can
call his time his own."
I dare anyone at the New School University to challenge
this statement.
I don't make empty threats. I don't make
false promises. I don't lie.